The wood is fairly easy to work and generally yields smooth surfaces on straight-grained material.
Other Common Names:
Barf, Leche de Maria (Mexico), Calaba (Panama), Aceite maria (Colombia), Edaballi, Kurahara (Guayana), Balsamaria (Bolivia), Guanandi, Jacareuba (Brazil), American Sapele
Widely used in the tropics for general construction, flooring, furniture, boat construction; a favored general utility timber
Available in 4/4, and 5/4 Air-Dried and Kiln-Dried
Grades: F1F & Better, Quarter Sawn, #1 Common & Better, #2 Common & Better, Select & Better
Grows throughout the West Indies and from Mexico southward through Central America and into northern South America. It is found on all types of soils – from wet, humid to very dry sites
The Tree:
When conditions are favorable, the tree attains a height of 100 to 150 ft with a long straight clear bole 3 to 6 ft in diameter; unbuttressed
General Characteristics:
Heartwood varies in color from pink to yellowish pink, to brick red or rich reddish brown; sapwood 1 to 2 in. wide, lighter in color and not always clearly differentiated from heartwood. Texture medium and fairly uniform; grain generally interlocked; luster rather low to medium; odor and taste not distinctive
Basic specific gravity (oven-dry weight/green volume) 0.51; air-dry density 39 pcf
Mechanical Properties:
(First set of values based on 2-in. standard, second set of values based on 2-cm standard.) Janka side hardness 890 lb for green wood and 1,150 lb for dry. Forest Products Laboratory toughness average for green and dry material is 180 in.-lb (5/8-in. specimen)
Drying and Shrinkage:
The wood is moderately difficult to air-season, drying rate varies considerably, surface checking is slight. Kiln schedule T2-D4 is suggested for 4/4 stock and T2-D3 for 8/4. Shrinkage from green to oven-dry: radial 4.6%; tangential 8.0%; volumetric 13.6%. Movement in service is rate as medium
Working Properties:
The wood is fairly easy to work and generally yields smooth surfaces on straight-grained material
The heartwood is generally rated as durable to moderately durable with respect to decay resistance; rated as very susceptible to attack by dry-wood termites; not resistant to marine borers
Heartwood is very resistant to impregnation by nonpressure and pressure systems. Sapwood has good permeability if incised
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